
2012: A-Men publication is a photoessay book on Asian gay men, capturing the crossroads of art, sexuality and cultural identity. The ”A-Men” project has brought together photographers and writers from the Asian gay community to develop work that challenges and informs our understanding around sexuality, ethnic identity, and multiculturalism. Importantly, it is a resource that addresses HIV health promotion through the community's lens, meeting people where they are at: the challenges of negotiating identities that span cultural, geographical, religious and family spheres, and how that affects outcomes of health behaviour and wellbeing. It is also to give the Asian gay community a voice, a space for visibility.

Website: www.issuu.com/aconhealth/docs/a-men_magazine

Facebook: amensydney

Sydney, NSW, Australia

  • This organisation is part of or caters specifically to the LGBTQIA+ community

  • This organisation focuses on Multicultural/Multilingual Communities


AGMC (Australian GLBTQI Multicultural Council)


ANTRA – Australia and New Zealand Tongzhi Rainbow Alliance